Iced coffee is a great way to cool down during the summer, and it's easy and fast to make with Grateful Earth instant coffee. In this blog, we're going to talk about our favorite beverage and share a few fun and creative iced coffee recipes that you can make at home and on the go.
Why use Grateful Earth coffee?
Here are 5 reasons:
- You don't have to brew a whole pot.
- Enjoy a high-quality coffee flavor that tastes better.
- Get all six healthy superfoods every sip.
- Make it faster and easier.
- Make it anywhere, anytime.
6. Use the 3-in-1 and you don't even need to add milk.
Is iced coffee just cold coffee?
What exactly is iced coffee, and how does it differ from regular hot coffee? Iced coffee is made with fully cooled regular hot coffee and served on ice. It's basically only cold coffee, but with a lot of ice cubes for that lovely crispness. A little milk or half/half is generally
What is the quickest and most effective way to make iced coffee?
The best and simplest method to prepare iced coffee at home is to cold-brew it. Then, in a tall glass, add ice cubes, the cooled coffee, and a little milk or sweetener. Stir everything together; then sit back and enjoy the taste of frozen coffee.
Is iced coffee simply cooled coffee?
Iced coffee is created by making hot coffee and serving it on ice. It's essentially just a cup of cold coffee, but with more ice cubes to provide that refreshing touch. To most people, adding a spoonful or two of sugar to their daily cup of coffee is standard practice.
Does Cold Brew Taste Better?
Sweet and smooth versus flowery and sour: Cold brew coffee has a distinct aroma profile from a hot cup of conventionally brewed coffee.
Both coffees are produced from the same starting components, coffee grounds and water, but the flavors differ significantly.
The taste, smell, and texture of a coffee bean are all significantly influenced by how it is roasted and ground. However, the way it's prepared may be the most significant contribution you can make to that last delicious Joe taste.
Personally, Grateful Earth we prefer the taste of our premium coffee cold brewed. We're not opposed to a cup of hot coffee on a chilly day. However, while all things are equal, we believe that cold brew, subjectively, tastes better than it does. Here's why.
Coffee Basics
Coffee grounds are rich in oils, chemical compounds, and acids. The flavor of coffee is derived from these solubles, which are known as "solubles." They're obtained from the grounds during the brewing procedure.
There are two types of brewing processes: conical and aeropress. They have different brewing temperatures and times, which can make a significant difference in the way your coffee tastes.
1) Hot-brewed drip coffee
This is what we generally assume when we think of hot coffee. The majority of individuals produce it in percolating home coffee pots or by drizzling heated water over brewed coffee grounds and allowing it to drip through a filter before drinking It will taste very strong if you put too much into your cup at once.
This is the food they provide in diners. Baristas typically produce hot coffee within a few minutes and have a strong scent and sour or acidic aftertaste.
2) Cold brew
Brewed coffee is cold brewed by baristas, who submerge ground coffee in room-temperature or cold water for hours or even days before straining the resulting "tea" from the sludgey solids.
The popularity of cold brew is skyrocketing, since it has a deeper, less acidic, and more delicate flavor than conventional coffee and is more concentrated. It's also a great way to get your caffeine dose when the weather's hot.
The science
When coffee grounds are combined with water, chemical interactions occur that pull solubles from the grounds, resulting in a characteristic "coffee" taste and odor.
Coffee solubles dissolve best between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit, so hot-water coffee has a more full-bodied, delicious flavor profile than cold brew. Hot water also rapidly removes the soluble components from the grounds and makes them more volatile.
Because they evaporate into the air more quickly, fragrant jasmine blooms waft their scent directly into your nose, making them one of the sweetest-smelling flowers.
Increased solubility isn't always beneficial. Coffee's chemical components degrade and oxidize when boiled water is applied, much like iron becomes rusted if exposed to too much oxygen. If you don't enjoy the flavor of sour and harsh coffee, cold brew comes to the rescue.
When you make coffee cold, oxidation and degradation do occur, but they happen far more slowly. This is why cold brew almost never has an acidic or unpleasant flavor. It also keeps for longer than hot-brewed coffee when refrigerated, lasting 2 to 4 weeks. After a day, hot coffee usually goes rancid.
5 Fast Recipes
Use a Shaker
With Grateful Earth coffee, you can simply fill a shaker with ice. Pour 5 to 10oz of water and then two to three sticks of our espresso and/or 3-in-1. Then shake vigorously.
You can enjoy it as is or pour over a cup of fresh ice.
Overnight Brew
Make your instant coffee with hot water. Let it cool down. Then place it in a glass mason jar to sit overnight in the refrigerator.
Get Creative with an Iced Caramel Machiatto
After making your espresso with Grateful Earth, we'll start with an empty cup full of ice, then add a couple of spoonfuls of the dulce de leche. Pour your espresso very carefully over the chosen milk - I usually use 2% but whole milk makes this drink extra creamy and decadent.
Make A Tub
- In a large container, combine the contents of one bag of Grateful Earth coffee with eight cups water. Allow to rest at room temperature for 12 hours or overnight.
- Over a pitcher or other container, place a fine mesh strainer and wrap it with cheesecloth. Allow all liquid to pass through the strainer using the coffee/water mixture. Grounds should be discarded.
- Remove the coffee beans from the paper bag and place them in an airtight container. Allow to sit overnight before using.
- Fill a glass halfway with ice cubes and then fill it with coffee. Fill the glass two-thirds of the way full with liquid coffee. Add a healthy dash of half-and-half to the mixture. Stir in 2-3 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk (or use pure sugar instead). Taste and alter the amount of half-and-half
Vanilla Bean
How to makes the syrup:
I also created my own vanilla bean syrup, which I'm glad I did. Not only is it simple, but the flavor was far superior than that of the commercially sold bottled stuff, and it provided just enough flavor to this vanilla iced coffee. That's all there is to making syrup!
Now let's put it all together
Isn't half and half your preferred milk? Here are some additional milk alternatives that work well in this iced coffee:
- Whole milk (2%)
- Skimmed Milk
- 2% or 1%
- Light Cream
- Dairy Milk

Best milk for iced coffee:
The simple answer is that there isn't a “best” milk to add to your coffee. Each milk variety, whether it be whole or plant based, has its own distinct taste and properties. I've listed out the ones we like to use at home below.
- Whole milk is the most widely used ingredient in coffee. It aids in the formation of a robust flavor profile. It has a rich, creamy taste and adds wonderful texture to the beverage.
- Soy milk is available sweetened or unsweetened. They also have options with flavor additions such as vanilla, among others.
- Almond milk (according to the carton in my fridge) is lower in calories and fat, making it a more healthful alternative. It's also a popular choice at our local coffee shop.
- Coconut milk is one of my favorite additions to iced coffee. I limit it to a special occasion since it's higher in fat and calories.
- Oat milk is popular among my buddies. They claim that it has a thick and creamy texture, and she swears by its use in making the finest coffee mix-in.
Iced coffee is a great way to keep cool during the hot summer months, and it's even better when you can do so while drinking a caffeine-laced beverage. nI hope that these answered questions regarding iced coffee will assist you in making better coffee at home as well as help you understand the ins and outs of ordering iced coffee
Do you like iced coffee during the summer? Please leave a comment below if so. If you have any more inquiries about coffee, please email us.