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How To Hydrate Your Body

How To Hydrate Your Body

By Grateful Earth
Nov 08, 2022

Did you know that an adult can go weeks without eating, but only a few days without water? Did you know that an adult can survive many weeks without food, but not long without water?

Water is life-- with your brain accounting for 76 percent water, your blood representing 84 percent water, and bones making up only 25% of your body weight.

It's essential for human activities like maintaining temperature equilibrium, protecting the brain, spine, and tissues from harm, cell growth and regeneration, and detoxification.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, many Americans don't drink enough water during their workday. It's frequently because people don't have enough time or know-how to hydrate their bodies, but also remembering to do so. But why is it that 77% of Americans claim they don't drink adequate water throughout their working day? It could be for any number of reasons:

  • We forget: It's easy to forget to drink water when we're busy with work, errands, or taking care of our families. According to a study done by the University of Missouri, it takes the brain 21 minutes to fully process thirst signals.
  • We don't like the taste: Some people simply don't enjoy the taste of water. If this is you, try adding a squeeze of lemon or lime, or drinking sparkling water.
  • We think we're getting enough from other beverages: Many people mistakenly believe that they can get all the water they need from coffee, tea, soda, and other drinks. But these beverages actually have diuretic effects, which cause you to urinate more and can actually dehydrate you.
  • We don't have access to clean water: In some parts of the world, people don't have access to clean water, which makes it difficult to stay hydrated.

Hydration Grateful Water

Dehydration, even mild dehydration, can have a detrimental effect on your health, productivity, mind and emotions. According to the CDC, dehydration can cause physical symptoms such as kidney stones, constipation, and overheating as well as mental symptoms including brain fog and mood swings. So what should you do? Learn how to keep hydrated.

What are the sign of dehydration?

The most common signs of severe dehydration include a dry mouth, thirst, lack of urination or dark yellow urine, and headaches. When we experience these symptoms, we generally drink a glass of water and go on with our day.

Another indication is more subtle. So, how can you tell if you really need to learn how to hydrate your body? Symptoms of dehydration that you could be unaware of include: food cravings, tiredness, dizziness and fainting, dry skin, foul breath, headaches, muscular cramps, and irritability.

How long does it take to hydrate your body? The answer is contingent on how dehydrated you are, as well as your weight and gender, but one study found that 45 minutes is the magic number.

You'll want to prioritize not just quick-term rehydration, but also on adopting healthier habits into your daily routine.

How do you properly hydrate your brain and body?

Adults should drink eight, 8-ounce glasses of water per day, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. While these numbers vary depending on body weight, age and gender, experts generally recommend that people consume at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. It's time to get educated about how to stay hydrated if you aren't consuming

1. Add electrolytes to your hydration routine

How long does it take to hydrate your body? You're probably looking for a quick solution, and you can get oral hydration products, which include electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. Salt is essential in maintaining the water level of your cells, and potassium helps to prevent muscle cramps.

The most important electrolytes are potassium, magnesium, and chloride. When you lose water weight, you also lose these electrolytes. Replenishing them is crucial to how to super hydrate your body when you lose water weight.

2. You can eat your water too!

After you've ensured that your body is fully hydrated to alleviate the symptoms of immediate dehydration, you may start creating a diet that will keep you hydrated over time. Lettuce (96 percent water), cucumber (94 percent water), tomatoes (93 percent water), spinach (92 percent water), and broccoli (92 percent water) are some of the best foods to eat when you're trying to improve your hydration levels.

Hydrate water

3. Drink water with every meal

A great way to make sure you're getting enough water is to drink a glass of water with every meal. Drinking water with meals will help ensure that you're getting the recommended eight glasses per day, and it will also help you feel fuller so that you're less likely to overeat.

4. Invest in a water bottle

Investing in a good water bottle is one of the best things you can do for your health. A water bottle will make it easy for you to keep track of how much water you're drinking and will remind you to drink water throughout the day.

5. Drink before you're thirsty

Thirst is a sign that your body is already dehydrated, so it's important to drink water before you feel thirsty. A good rule of thumb is to drink eight ounces of water every hour. This will help ensure that you're getting the recommended eight glasses per day and will help prevent dehydration.

6.  Drink with a plan

There are a lot of strange practices regarding hydration that you probably think you understand — simply drink water, right? Wrong. The fact is that you need to drink the correct sort of water. Tap water might be contaminated with pollutants.

Choose ionized alkaline water in bottles or a tap water alkalizer. Always start your day with a glass of water, and don't go more than 20 minutes without drinking some water. If you need to, use a timer!

It's worth noting that the greatest hydrating beverage isn't necessarily water. Coconut water has electrolytes, celery juice may have anti-inflammatory effects, and green drinks provide vitamins and minerals as well as hydration, while green tea contains antioxidants that help your brain function.

Soda, alcohol, coffee and energy drinks should all be avoided. They're high in sugar and caffeine, which can cause dehydration.

Discovering the best methods to remain hydrated is just one aspect of a healthy lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet, exercise, and self-care. You'll have more energy and concentration if you include water into your daily routine.

Dehydration can lead to a slew of serious medical issues, so it's critical to understand how to properly hydrate your body. Thirst, dry mouth, scant urination or dark yellow urine, and headaches are all symptoms of dehydration. You can also become dehydrated if you don't drink enough water, as well as from excessive sweating.

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