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No One Gets Your Energy Before You Do

No One Gets Your Energy Before You Do

By Hamza Zaheer
Nov 08, 2022

New Meditation

People are always asking me how to meditate. I think guided meditation is one of the best ways to get started. I recently experienced this powerful morning meditation and I had to share it!

The meditation is from someone very special and dear to me named Kymology. She’s an experienced meditator, writer, philosophizer and one of the most beautiful and grounded humans I know. So something with her meditation must be working.

In this meditation, you’ll set 3 daily intentions, practice gratitude and love, and visualize success. You get to experience 3 great daily practices in one morning session. I think it’s one of the best ways to start your day. I also think after trying this meditation, you’ll learn so many new tools that you may want to incorporate some of them in your daily practice.

The meditation is twenty-four minutes. That length of time may seem long to a novice meditator but I think you’ll find this meditation very engaging because it includes body movement and breathing techniques that keep you awake and present.

Kymology’s guiding voice is soothing, kind and captivating. She has a tenor and vibration that’s inviting and draws you in. And the music is awesome. I’ll let you decide for yourself. Click the YouTube link below and have fun.



You Want More?

If you enjoyed the meditation, you might enjoy Kymology’s writings and other musings on her blog kymology.com. You can also find her on the social medias:

Instagram instagram.com/kymology54

Facebook: facebook.com/kymologykg

I’ve also transcribed the meditation for you. I think reading it will also help you get even more value out of it.

Meditation Set Your Day Kymology

[00:00:06] You're here to set your energy and intentions for the day. No one gets your energy before you do.

[00:00:13] This is how you ensure you show up as your best and most energy in your day. This is not selfish. This is responsible and deeply loving.

[00:00:24] We're going to start by setting three intentions, one at a time with a breath piece. Consider and choose your intentions before you begin. Intentions represented by a word or a few words together. You want it to be something you can repeat over and over easily and clearly represent the energy you want to invoke. If you need more time, go ahead and pause here.

[00:00:50] When you are ready. Be sitting with your feet grounded, bare feet facing a space that feels good to you. Ideally facing sunlight. Close your eyes and begin to focus on your first intention. See it in your mind. Feel it in your heart. Say it in your mind. The word over and over to yourself. Feel it. Imagine it. See yourself as it. You'll do this while you do the breath, saying it over and over in your mind as your arms reach up and draw down your breath in and out through your noes Pull the intention down into your body, all with your breath and arms and motion. We will do this for 30 breaths each. You focus. I will count. Ready? Arms up, hands open and begin.

[00:02:07] And stop. Place your hands on your heart and continue to repeat the words that are your intention out loud. Tap your hands over your heart to the beat of your heart and feel full of this intention. Continue to breathe. Tapping your hands over your heart to the beat. Taking the intention in like a beat to a song. That song is your heart.

[00:02:47] Relax your hands onto your lap. Hands open, palms up. And imagine absorbing this state into your body every cell. Absorb the state you want to embody. Palms up and open to receive this state, this energy. Continue to breathe. Deepen your breath. Visualize your attention.

[00:03:21] How do you feel? Are things falling into place? Are you satisfied as you embody this intention? Are you powerful? Are you able? Feel it. Be it. Breathe.

[00:03:54] Now for your second intention. Call your word into your mind. Feel it. Imagine yourself fully embodying this intention, see yourself as it. Ready?

[00:04:11] Arms up, hands open, and begin.

[00:04:32] And stop. Place your hands on your heart and visualize your intention. Say it out loud. Tap your hands over your heart to the beat of your heart. Feeling full and in sync with this intention. Tapping your hands over your heart. Taking the intention in like the beat to a song. That song is your heart.

[00:05:11] Now relax your hands onto your lap. Hands open, palms up. Imagine absorbing this state into your body. Every cell. Absorb the state you want to be to embody.

[00:05:30] With your palms up and open. To receive this state, this synergy.

[00:05:39] Continue to breathe and deepen your breath, visualizing your intention.

[00:05:47] How do you feel? Are things falling into place? Are you satisfied as you embody this intention? Are you powerful? Are you able? Feel it. Be it. Breathe.

[00:06:00] Now to set your third intention for today.

[00:06:22] Pull your word into your mind. Feel it. Imagine yourself fully embodying this intention. Ready?

[00:06:33] Arms up, hands open and begin.

[00:06:53] And stop. Place your hands on your heart. And visualize your intention. Say it out loud. Tap your hands over your heart to the beat of your heart. Feel full and in sync with this intention. Tapping your hands over your heart, taking the intention in like a beat to a song. That song is your heart.

[00:07:45] Now relax your hands onto your lap. Hands open, palms up and imagine absorbing the state into your body. Every cell. Absorb the state you want to be to embody. Palms up and open to receive this state, this energy.

[00:08:08] Continue to breathe. Deepen your breath. Visualize your intention. How do you feel? Are things falling into place?

[00:08:19] Are you satisfied as you embody this intention? What do you look like? Are you powerful? Are you able? Feel it. Be it. Breathe.

[00:08:49] Now with your palms up, hands on your lap, still, we will call each intention one at a time. Say each one in your mind or out loud and take a deep breath and breathing in this state and close your hands into a grasp, a fist like you're pulling it into you, anchoring the intention in your body for the day.

[00:09:15] Intention one. Say it. Breathe. Squeeze. Hold. Release.

[00:09:30] Intention two. Say it. Breathe. Squeeze. Hold. Release.

[00:09:42] Intention #3. Say it. Breathe it in. Squeeze. Hold. Release.

breathing yoga


[00:09:59] You have now set three intentions for your day. Next we’ll focus on gratitude. Continue to breathe deep in through your nose. Out through your mouth.

[00:10:17] Place your hands on your heart and feel grateful. Grateful for your heart.

[00:10:26] Your soul, your energy, your time. Your strength? Beauty. The world. Your tribe. Humanity. Your heart. With your hands on your heart, think about something you are grateful for. Deeply grateful for. Remember the moment in time? Where were you? What season was it? Who are you with?

[00:11:05] Why are you grateful for this moment?

[00:11:10] What did you feel?

[00:11:13] Relive the moment and think about all the ways, all the reasons, all the feels for why you're grateful to have this moment in your life. Breathe the moment in, into your body. Fill your chest with this memory and remember.

[00:11:37] Feel grateful.

[00:11:42] Feel it. Be it, breathe.

[00:12:02] Now, with your hands still on your heart, think about someone you are grateful for. Deeply grateful for.

[00:12:11] Remember a moment in your life with this person? Where were you? What season of your life were you in? Did this person support you? Inspire you? Challenge you? Love you?

[00:12:32] Why do you have gratitude for this person?

[00:12:37] How do you feel about this person? How have they added to your life?

[00:12:49] Think about them. Feel grateful for them.

[00:12:53] Send them love by remembering.

[00:12:58] Relive the memory and think about all the ways you were grateful to have this person in your life. Breathe in the moment you're remembering. Breathe in the essence of this human you love.

[00:13:21] Feel grateful.

[00:13:25] Feel it. Be it. Breathe.

[00:13:43] With your hands still on your heart. Think about a coincidence that you’re grateful for.

[00:13:48] Something in your life that happened. Something that was serendipitous kindred. Unexpected.

[00:13:57] Unplanned, perhaps an accident. Something that turned into something great and beautiful. Without this movement, where would you be? Who would you be?

[00:14:10] This moment changed your life.

[00:14:15] Affected the course of where you were going, of who you were going to be. Visualize this moment and feel grateful. Relive the moment and all the ways you are grateful to have this moment in your life.

[00:14:34] Breathe in the moment you're remembering. Breathe in the essence of love that is this moment. And send love to this place and time by remembering. Feel it. Be it. Breathe.

[00:15:19] With your hands on your lap, palms facing up.

[00:15:24] Think about this.

[00:15:27] We cannot be angry when we are grateful.

[00:15:32] Think about a challenging moment. A current moment that causes you pain or stress or fear or doubt. Discontentment, anxiety, worry. Ask for healing for this moment, for this situation. For this challenge. And replace your anger and hurt. What have you learned because of this situation? How has this situation happened for you and not to you? What gift is under the surface of this thing you would prefer perhaps, to not have to deal with. And to deal with it, you are growing. You are learning. You are therefore grateful. Send forgiveness to any person involved in this situation and feel grateful for the opportunity you are creating out of this adversity. Breathe in resolve. Breathe in resilience.

[00:16:56] Breathe in forgiveness.

[00:17:04] Breathe in love. Breathe in gratitude. Breathe in and hold it.

[00:17:53] And when you breathe out, let go. Breathe in and hold it. Breathe out and let go. Now feel a sense of celebration, energy, progress. With your arms outstretched and your palms facing out, give away this energy. Feel celebration for translating your intentions into this day. Feel gratitude, feel healing. Feel love.

[00:18:19] And give away this energy, this peace. This love. Send the energy out to the world. Send love. Think love. Send love. Send love to your close friends. Send love to your tribe. Send love to your non-tribe. Send love to the world, to humanity at large. Send love. Think love traveling out through your arms. Through your hands and into the atmosphere. Feel it. Be it. Breathe love.

[00:19:00] Now with your hands back on your lap. Last we will visualize success. Think about three things that would cause you to thrive.

[00:19:12] Three desires that you are going to achieve. Three things you're going to accomplish today, this week, this month, this year. Three things you are going to make happen.

[00:19:30] See yourself as if the thing is done.

[00:19:40] How will you feel? What does it look like?

[00:19:48] Visualize these three things, your achievement in great detail.

[00:19:53] Using all of your senses. Do this for the next few moments.

[00:20:26] What things are you going to complete to grow? To improve your life? What things are you going to do that are going to bring happiness? What things are you going to feel proud about? Three things.

[00:21:02] How does it feel to have these things done? What does it look like?

[00:21:14] How does it impact your life? How does it impact the lives of the people you cherish? It feels good, doesn't it? Smile. Celebrate, shake your ass a little.

[00:21:30] Breathe a proud breath in. And a relieved breath out. Proud breath in. Excited breath out. Nice work.

[00:21:52] Now you bring it all together. Put all of your intentions into your body. Say each one: intention one, intention two, intention three.

[00:22:03] Bring your fists into it. Squeeze and grab. Say them again, intention one, intention two, intention three. Now think gratitude. I'm grateful. I’m love. I’m thankful.

[00:22:23] Grateful. Now send love one more time with your hands pressed out, palms facing the world send love into the atmosphere. Think love.

[00:22:34] Feel love. Be love. Send love. Finally, we have urgency to accomplish our desires today. We'll take a deep breath in, then breathe out repeating the phrase, “Do it now.”

[00:22:53] Until you have exhausted all of your breath. We will do this three times.

[00:23:03] Breathe in: Do it now…Do it now… Do it now…

[00:23:49] Go create your day. Do it now. With Love.

Best Way to Start Your Day

Now that’s you’re ready to start your day, you should celebrate. May we recommend sipping on a delicious warm cup of delicious brain-healthy coffee.


best way to start your day

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